How BP debating changes lives — for crackheads
If you heard someone spends their weekends disagreeing with strangers, you’d assume they were something crazy; maybe a football fan, or worse, a lawyer. If that same person tried to convince you it was the best decision they had ever made, you’d wager they were a crackhead. You’d be correct as well - I am a crackhead, and here’s why you should be one too.
BP (/b:ip/) - Eight people pair up into teams of two and yell at each other about opinions formed in under fifteen minutes.
For those who don’t know, British Parliamentary (or BP) Debating is a niche academic extracurricular activity thousands of university students can engage in. It takes many of the formalities of classic Presidential debates and adds a format reminiscent of the UK’s highest law-making body, and speeches that are usually as chaotic.
The judging metric sticks out the most: BP debating focuses on content and logic...